Articles on: Blockchain and Tokenomics

Token Value

The price of MPH is free floating, and determined on crypto exchanges by supply and demand for MPH.

Buyers and sellers of MPH will meet on centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges and transact tokens for prices they deem fair. While trading within the Morpher Protocol comes with infinite liquidity, Morpher depends on third party exchange partners for the liquidity of MPH Token.

Ultimately, the token will have the value users assign to it.

Morpher on Uniswap

MPH is listed and tradeable on the decentralized exchange Uniswap. You can also interact with the Uniswap exchange directly from the Funds page of your account.

Trade MPH on Uniswap here.

Morpher on

MPH is also listed on the popular centralized exchange, Trading on requires a account, and compliance with their own KYC & AML policies.

Check out MPH on here.

DISCLAIMER: The information outlined here or elsewhere in this guide should never be treated as investment advice. This is not an investment prospectus. No investment is being solicited.

Updated on: 07/11/2023

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