Switching Wallets
Fortmatic to Metamask
Fortmatic is a great wallet if you're new to crypto and want to be distant from all the technical aspects of blockchain. However, you will quickly realize that you give up a lot of control for that luxury. Other providers, like Metamask, give you complete control over your tokens. Here's how to make the switch from Fortmatic to Metamask.
Exporting Private Key from Fortmatic
First login and open your Fortmatic wallet. Either go to Morpher Settings and click "Open Crypto Wallet", or login to your wallet on Fortmatic.
Click Export Private Key under General
Select "As a backup". You can always delete your Fortmatic account later, after a successful switch.
Continue, set a password for your private key, and download the JSON file. Make sure to save it somewhere safe.
Never share your private key with anyone.
Import Private Key to Metamask
Download the Metamask browser extension and create a Metamask account.
Once you have created a Metamask account, click the Menu button and select 'Import Wallet'.
Select JSON from the dropdown, and upload the private key file you received from Fortmatic.
Your Fortmatic wallet is now imported to Metamask, you will be able to continue to use your same wallet on Morpher.
You will need to add a Custom RPC network to Metamask to be able to connect to the Morpher sidechain.
Select Networks, click "Custom RPC", and enter the following details:
Network Name: Morpher
Network RPC URL: https://sidechain.morpher.com
Chain ID: 21
If you still have trouble contact support@morpher.com.
If you are logged into Morpher, first log out. Click "Select Different Wallet' on the Login page and choose Metamask.
You will now use Metamask to login & trade on Morpher.
Updated on: 14/07/2021
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